NABARD has recently financed funding worth 695 crores in favor of Mannapuram Gold finance (PTI, 2019). One of the leading names in the world of financial funding, Bluevine Capital has recently developed a portal dedicate...
Check out the financial history of superpowers like USA and UK. You will find that it can be divided into two parts. Part one, when they were operating with unorganized financial planning; and part two, when merchant ban...
Business valuation is basically the process by which one can determine the economic value of any business entity. It is often used for determining the fair value of any business for a number of reasons, like the sale val...
Lengthy procedures to deal with insolvency issues are a thing of past in India now. Most of the economists of the world will remember the last few years of the Indian economy for the implementation of GST; because it cha...
In India, the debt market is several times smaller than the equity market, while elsewhere it is just a multiple of the latter. One of the complex tools that have helped lessen this gap over the years is debt syndication...
Real estate sector is one of the most glowing and globally recognized sector of Indian economy. After agriculture real estate is the second largest employment generation sector in India and it contributes around 9% of th...
An asset-based approach is a type of business valuation that focuses on a company's net asset value (NAV), or the fair-market value (FMV), of its total assets minus its total liabilities to determine what it wo...
When the sudden departure of the famous drinks tycoon Vijay Mallya, the self-proclaimed “king of good times” followed the failure of his foray into aviation, with Kingfisher Airlines defaulting on debt of $1.3bn in 2...
No project can be absolutely risk-free and hence the analysis of the degree of technical risk and associated financial viability, through a Techno-Economic Viability Study (TEVS) is necessary to assist lenders to take a ...
What are the reasons that took banks into crisis? It is analysed that increasing Non Performing Assets (NPA’s) is the biggest reason for the failure of PSB.
The highest amount of NPA’s was for country’s big name ...